Erasmus+ Project Monitoring: Final Report Checklist

by | Nov 24, 2024 | Guidelines, Next-Gen PMs | 0 comments

In this post (Erasmus+ Project Monitoring), we discuss the coordinator’s task of monitoring whether everything is on track for the Erasmus+ KA210 and KA220 projects. You can find the Turkish version of this blog post in here

Monitoring progress begin from the first day of the project. Our team suggest create this Final Report Checklist before the project begin.

The Documents Needed For the Erasmus+ Project Monitoring

Timeline, application form, budget allocation of partners, and contract with the National Agencies are essential to create this Checklist.

Better you use letterhead paper of the project on a Doc or Page file. You can add Excel or Number files inside these.

Usage of Work Packages inside the Erasmus+ Project Monitoring

Using the letterhead paper file create H2 headings for the each WPs. Sub activities should be H3. For different sub activities you will have different results. That’s why we need to create different tables for each sub activity if it is needed. For each WorkPackage leader will be responsible to provide all the evidences and results Needed.

For KA210 project we generally use 4 WorkPackages such as;

WP1- Project Management



WP5-Dissemination & Exploitation & Sustainability

For KA220 Project it is five WPs;

WP1- Project Management




WP5-Dissemination & Exploitation & Sustainability

WP1- Project Management (WP Leaders)

There are certain activities in this workpackage not change much from project to project. Add all sub activities to this table including Monthly Meetings (MMs) and Transnational Project Meetings (TPMs). WP Leader should monitor the table and share the outputs with partners and coordinator. When it is done everything is on tracked, for each sub-activity the outputs (PDF files, photos, presentations should be saved in the iCloud inside Final Report Upload (there should be sub folders regarding to the sub activities.

Erasmus+ Project Monitoring: Presentations

Creative Common Licence needed for each training content (videos, pdf file, online presentations) of the project results

Erasmus+ Project Monitoring: Monthly Meetings (MMs)

They are online Meetings, An Agenda, Photos, and Minutes are necessary.

Transnational Project Meetings (TPMs)

Face to face or online meetings, and hosting organisation will create an Agenda, Sign List, Certificates, Evidences (videos and photos) Presentations, InfoPack of the hosting city, and Minutes are obligatory.

Erasmus+ Project Monitoring: Project Mapping Manual (PMM)

A PDF file

Erasmus+ Project Monitoring: Project Operational Management Manual (POMM)

A PDF file

Risk Assessment Plan (RAP)

A PDF File

Erasmus+ Project Monitoring: Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

A PDF file

Erasmus+ Project Monitoring: Table of WP1

Here is the table of checklist for an WP1

ActivitiesSituation Agenda Sign ListCertifi-cates Evidence Presenta-tion Minutes InfoPack
MM1 (date)neededneededneeded
MM2 (date)neededneededneeded
Add More MM when Neededneededneededneeded

WP2 – Training Framework (WP Leader)


We need consent form of participants, photos as evidences and other indicators can be checked according to the needs

MAP of Good Practices

In some projects we ask partners find a number of good practices in the local and world wide. the output maybe a blog post or a PDF file. Creative Common Licence is necessary.

Training Framework

It is a curriculum created to the needs of target group using the data from surveys. Modules and sub-training of each module will be shared with partners. We need a document showing which partner is responsible from which sub-training of the curriculum

Country Reports

According to the surveys it is a report with the information of survey results

Final Report

It is a PDF File using the country reports of each partner


Here is the table of checklist for the WP2

ActivitiesSituationPartner 1Partner 2Partner 3Partner 4Partner 5Partner 6Total
A2.1 – A map of good practices
Each partner should find number of Good Practices.
A2.2 – SurveySurvey Answers, Country Reports, Consent Forms (maybe Google Form if online), and Evidences will be there. For all done surveys write number of each partner Columnd15151515151590
A2.3 -Training FrameworkA List of Modules and Responsible Partners a PDF FileNot NeededNot NeededNot NeededNot NeededNot NeededNot NeededNot Needed
A2.4 -TranslationsTranslations for each partner languages. PUT number 1 if responsible partner translated to it.111115
A2.5 – Final ReportA PDF Filenot Needednot Needednot Needednot Needednot Needednot Needednot Needed

WP3 – Content Creation (WP Leader)

Training Platform (for KA220) or Blog Posts (for KA210)

Erasmus+ Project Monitoring: Content Creation

Erasmus+ Project Monitoring: Pilot testing

Here is a guidelines on how to do it?

Pedagogical Guidelines

It is necessary for projects to design a guidelines for Trainers/YouthWorkers/Teachers. Here is a guidelines on how to do it

Final Report Checklist: Table of WP3

Here is the table of checklist for the WP3

ActivitiesSituationPartner 1Partner 2Partner 3Partner 4Partner 5Partner 6Total
A3.1 – Developing the Training platform. Number of Enrolled Users203015402025150
A3.2 – Development of ContentNumber of content created for each partner33333318
A3.3 – Development of Guidelines for trainersCreative Common Licence is Needed for each PDF file in English and Partner Languages1111116
A3.4 – Organisational visitsProtocols, or Evidence Photos videos are necessary55555530
A3.5 – Pilot-TestingPresentation with Creative Common Licence, Survey of Participants, Attendance Sheet if it is on-site, Consent form for online activities202020202020120

WP4 – Implementation (WP Leader)

Erasmus+ Project Monitoring: Table of WP4

ActivitiesSituationPartner 1Partner 2Partner 3Partner 4Partner 5Partner 6Total
A4.1 – Community Member Selections (150) WhatsApp Group401520202530150
A4.1 – Volunteering Seminar (120)Presentations, Consent Forms, Evidences, Certificates202020202020120
A4.1 – Active Citizenship Seminars (Total 120)Presentations, Consent Forms, Evidences, Certificates202515202020120
A4.1 – Two Contests (Total 36 Winners)Winner Applications, Ceremony66666636
A4.2 – KA1 Project Writing (Total 72)Evidence (Photo Video), Consent Form, Certificates, Presentations1220412121272
A4.2 – SEO Training (Total 30)Evidence (Photo Video), Consent Form, Certificates, Presentations55555530
A4.3 Green Training (Total 120)Evidence (Photo Video), Consent Form, Certificates, Presentations202020202020120
A4.3 – Establishing Green Youth NGOs and design websites for eachLinks of Domains1111116
A4.4 – How to Manage Youth-led NGOs (90)Evidence (Photo Video), Consent Form, Certificates, Presentations15151515151590
A4.3 Number of NGOs Established (6)Establish Documents1111116
A4.4 – Multiplier Event – National Conferences (300)Sign Lists, Agenda, Evidences (photo video), Presentation, Certificates505050505050300

WP5 – Dissemination (WP Leader)

Erasmus+ Project Monitoring: Table of WP5

ActivitiesSituationPartner 1Partner 2Partner 3Partner 4Partner 5Partner 6Total
A5.1 Dissemination and Communication Plan Done or OngoingNo NeedNo NeedNo NeedNo NeedNo NeedNo NeedNo Need
A5.2 Visual Identity – Dissemination Materials ChannelsDone or OngoingText Field for information of responsible partnersText Field for information of responsible partnersText Field for information of responsible partnersText Field for information of responsible partnersText Field for information of responsible partnersText Field for information of responsible partnersNo Need
A5.3 SEO-friendly project website creation and managementDone or OngoingText Field for information of responsible partnersText Field for information on responsible partnersText Field for information of responsible partnersText Field for information of responsible partnersText Field for information on responsible partnersText Field for information on responsible partnersNo Need
A5.4 Online Training to partners: How to create SEO-friendly content Done or Ongoing
A5.5 Social network management Check if responsible partners create enough posts
A5.6 – Project e-newslettersCheck if each partner translated.
A5.7 – National and EU Dissemination ActivitiesNeed Update the Dissemination Log

Indicators of Success

You should check impact part and each work package to create a list of achieved and failed indicators of success

Erasmus+ Project Monitoring: Conclusion

In Conclusion, the Final Report Checklist is mandatory to keep track of the project from the beginning and help coordinators a lot. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions in your mind.

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