Your KA2 Partner
L4Y Learning For Youth
L4Y Learning For Youth is an art and technology company founded in 2018 in Pirmasens, working in the youth field.
About us
L4Y Learning For Youth is an art and technology company founded in 2018 in Pirmasens, working in the youth field. But, it fits with the digital and technological skills to work in the VET field. In the scope of our skills, we help the solutions environmental protection and integration issues.
The world is changing quickly with emerging technologies like Quantum Technologies (QT), Blockchain (Metaverse, NFT, smart contracts), and Artificial Intelligence. As L4Y, we know that it will vary everything in our future daily life and affects the business, economy, and needed employees’ skills. The change will create new entrepreneurship opportunities and open new horizons in front of today’s young people. Even the companies inside Metaverse are looking for virtual employees (avatars) to work in their virtual jobs inside Metaverse today. Using technology and art skills for social problems like the integration of migrants and environmental protection is our social contribution. Adapting ordinary people to this change will be difficult for most people except “digital natives”, Gen-Z. Our primary target group is young people and VET trainees to help this adaption by training their parents as pioneers of digital transformation.
– To improve awareness of young people/VET trainees/adults with emerging technologies and their entrepreneurship opportunities.
– To enhance young people/VET trainees skills (employability) for (future) jobs.
– To help solve the integration problem of refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants.
– Environmental protection
Some of our skills
Erasmus+ Projects
We are proposing and implementing Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2 projects. We will be a good partner for your KA2 projects with our skills which is crucial for all projects
Website & LMS Design
We are developing websites and Learning Management Systems (LMS.) Both supported by visual design to grab a higher success.
Visual Design & Art
The best way to tell your story is ART. For youth, especially videos, posters, and animations, are very popular. It is a good idea to use channels that they liked
For a good rank in search engines, you need to be supported with SEO knowledge. It is crucial for your business to marketing your products
Creative/Critical Thinking
Creative Thinking improves confidence, adaptability, awareness (Character); Critical Thinking/Problem solving, creativity, collaboration (skills); curiosity&motivation, reflection, and patience (learning to learn), which are education system of 21st century
Team Training
Dialogue is the basis of learning. Team Dialogue, Motorola Reports, Mental Model Games, Einstein Workshop, and Team Building Games engage you in working as a team. You will improve a lot of skills while you are learning to team UP.
Learning Efficiency
John Dewey said, “We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.” Reflection is an academically proved method to improve learning. Reflection has particular importance in Erasmus+ projects.
Emerging Technologies
Emerging technologies like quantum, blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI) will rule day by day changing world. It is crucial to increase awareness of the future opportunities that these technologies providing.
Forest Fire Protection - KA220ADU
Forest Fire Protection: Training for self-protection against forest fires in rural areas” – 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000028430
This project aims primarily to save the lives of rural populations in Mediterranean Europe. By providing training on self-protection against forest fires and the prevention of forest fires.
For more information;
About Über Hakkında A cerca de nuestro proyecto ΣΧΕΤΙΚΑ ΜΕ il progetto Sobre o projeto Tentang
You can download the full report of R1 – FFP Training Framework here. Alternatively, you access the Executive Summary here.
The blog post of the full report is here, and the blog post of the Executive Summary is here
V2B: Creating NFT Opportunities on Metaverse for Art VET trainees - KA210VET
MetaNFT project (2022-1-DE02-KA210-VET-000080828) aims to foster VET trainees’ to use their skills for creating NFTs for the Metaverse.
– Train VET trainees on “how to create NFTs on Metaverse”;
– Transfer skills on NFT creation on Metaverse to VET trainees;
– Increase the employability of VET trainees;
– Foster VET providers embedding results in curricula;
– Increase digital marketing skills
Intergenerational Hub for the Amelioration of Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Entrepreneurial Mindset - KA220ADU
The project (2022-1-DE02-KA220-ADU- 000085106) aims to raise awareness of the benefits of intergenerational activities in Agricultural development; to promote active citizenship among the former generation of Agro-Entrepreneurs; to boost the new generation’s engagement in the Agricultural sector; to address the new generation’s problems, and to find solutions through the involvement of Lifelong Learning Institutes / Trainers / Educators who focus on agriculture and other relevant stakeholders.
Learning For Youth – How to Propose Erasmus+ Projects Udemy Course
Erasmus+ has a significant impact on youth improvement. For an Erasmus+ project grant writer, the progress will increase even more. What will you gain proposing Erasmus+ Projects?
– Spiritual satisfaction
– Amazing international network
– Improving essential skills that will help your career
– Help to solve your local problems
– To earn money when you get a grant.
most excitingly;
– to be an active member of the change-makers
For Turkish course
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
We support & train youth groups
L4Y support & train group of young people, and youth-led formal or informal organisations who are working on the fields we are interested, such as environmental protection, blockchain, AI, and quantum technologies. If you are the one, please contact ( with us.
Spektrum Dergi - Every color of science!
We are happy to support this group of young people
Here is their website Instagram and Twitter
Science is not just a field that scientists are interested in. Curiosity is not just a behaviour we pursue as a child. If we do not dull our curiosity, we may realize that it is not impossible to be interested in science. To create this awareness, we resorted to this path. Whether we are in middle school, high school or university, if we do not lose our sense of curiosity, the door of science is open to us. While achieving this goal, we aim to carry out projects where we can support our friends who experience inequality of opportunity in science.
Who we are
We are a huge family consisting of 28 people from different cities in Turkey, of different ages, but with one heart. Every month, scientific developments are made in the past and planned for the future; satellite, scientist, astronaut promotions; We are working to bring you events, puzzles, astronomy tests, news from agencies and more.
Next youth group will be here
EU Links
German National Agencies
Jügend Für Europe
School Education
Pädagogischer Austauschdienst der Kultusministerkonferenz, Nationale Agentur für EU-Programme im Schulbereich (PA)
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BiBB)
Higher Education
Nationale Agentur für EU-Hochschulzusammenarbeit im Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (NA-DAAD)
For Beginners
EU Login Registration
ECAS Account Creations
Login Page
Register your organization
Download, fill and upload necessary documents
Salto-Youth for promoting your organization
Proposing Projects
First login to ECAS, then the link for Erasmus-ESC ( to propose your project
Distance Calculator is needed for Activities to calculate the budget
Implementing Projects
When you get a grant and implement your project, then you need to report in Mobility Tools.
Funding & tender opportunities will also help in implementations
Important Documents
Germany Reports
Education and Training Monitor 2020
Asylum Information Database 2019 Germany
Program documents
2020 Program Guide
Strategic Framework
Euro 2020 and Targets with indicators
Education and Training 2020 (ET 2020)
A new Skills Agenda For Europe
Digital Skills and Jobs Coalitions
Digital Skills and Jobs Coalitions Heidi
Digital Skills and Jobs Coalitions in a nutshell
Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Draft Action Plan for 2018 and beyond
Artificial Intelligence
Digital Single Market – Artificial Intelligence
Quantum Technologies
Digital Single Market – Quantum Technologies Flagship

Futterstrasse 3
66111 Saarbrücken / Germany
Phone: +49 1511 967 1336
This site is designed by L4Y Learning For Youth GmbH and hosted by Fastcomet